It is a common misconception that cosmetic surgery is mainly for women. The avoidance of cosmetic surgery for men is a deep-rooted notions of masculinity and the stereotypical portrayal of cosmetic surgery and female models. However, studies show that more men are choosing cosmetic surgery to correct the appearance of various symptoms. Many of the men have misconceptions about a lack of information about which conditions they are treatablewith cosmetic surgery.
While forms of reconstructive surgery were included in ancient times, modern plastic surgery is credited to the New Zealanders, developed Dr. Sir Harold Gillies, the many modern reconstructive techniques to injured soldiers during the First World War. Reconstructive surgery for obvious defects, and injuries with less scar to make it appropriate as a purely cosmetic procedure because the surgery is often necessary in order to restore the functionor appearance. As techniques continue to be disseminated, and the social stigma of cosmetic surgery gradually eroded, people realize that many of them perceived imperfections can be corrected with surgical procedures.
There, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, to 1.2 million people had cosmetic procedures in 2005. This figure shows a 44% increase in male operations since 2000. The most common procedure is rhinoplasty, commonlyknown, a rhinoplasty; selected 99,680 men to this procedure in 2005. Due to the high incidence of broken noses for men and participation in medical problems that may come from disrupted nasal passages, this method seems to be socially acceptable.
Another common procedure for men is hair transplantation. This procedure is usually the transplantation of hair follicles from one part of the scalp to areas that experience hair loss. According to the report,39,344 people will be selected subject to hair transplantation. The hair growth process seems to be more effective than other hair growth treatments on the market available.
The most common areas of liposuction for men are the abdomen and flanks. According to the ASPS study, 35,673 men had liposuction procedures in 2005. Contrary to popular belief, the procedure is not an alternative to weight loss. It is usually carried out in areas that may require to get sculpturea desirable appearance. The average amount of fat is removed is less than ten pounds.
Blepharoplasty or Eyelid surgery, a functional or cosmetic procedures, which forms the upper or lower eyelid again. The ASPS study reveals that 32,988 people had Botox procedures performed in 2005. Asian blepharoplasty is a common procedure in the Asian men carried out to the appearance of a double eyelid, which gives the man a western look to give.
Male breast enhancementGynecomastia treatment, meaning "woman like breasts." It is a relatively common and often embarrassing condition to fight, with many men. There are several factors to this condition, including:
· Hepatic impairment
· Medications that contain estrogen
· Use of anabolic steroids
· And many other diseases and conditions
According to the study, 16,275 men choose this surgery in 2005. When diet and exercise, not tooreduce male breast size, it is often desirable to correct the problem with plastic surgery too.
Not all methods available include major surgery, men also opt for the minimally invasive procedures. The first five of these procedures are:
· Botox (313,519)
· Microderm Abrasion (201,051)
· Laser hair removal (173,387)
· Chemical peel (108,998)
· Laser skin resurfacing (37,998)
As the technology and medical advancescontinue to be more cosmetic procedures on men and women safely be performed in increasing numbers. Given that with the strengthening of social scar looks through surgery decrease is connected, more men are likely to turn to plastic surgery to improve their appearance.
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